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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can support fertility, IVF and healthy conception!

Call for a customized program. We offer different programs depending on where you are at in your fertility journey!


  1. Improving Ovarian Function: HBOT has been shown to increase oxygen delivery to the ovaries, which may improve ovarian function and follicular development. Adequate oxygenation is essential for supporting the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles, which contain the eggs (oocytes) necessary for fertilization during IVF procedures.

  2. Enhancing Egg Quality: Oxygen plays a crucial role in the development and quality of oocytes. HBOT may help optimize egg quality by providing the necessary oxygen and metabolic support for oocyte development, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful fertilization and embryo formation during IVF.

  3. Promoting Endometrial Receptivity: HBOT has been proposed to enhance endometrial receptivity, the ability of the uterine lining (endometrium) to support embryo implantation and pregnancy. Improved oxygenation of the endometrium may promote the growth and development of blood vessels within the endometrial tissue, creating a more hospitable environment for embryo implantation.

  4. Reducing Oxidative Stress: Oxidative stress has been implicated in female infertility and IVF failure. HBOT has antioxidant properties and can help reduce oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals and increasing antioxidant enzyme activity. By mitigating oxidative damage to oocytes and embryos, HBOT may improve reproductive outcomes in individuals undergoing IVF.

  5. Enhancing Embryo Quality and Viability: HBOT has been shown to promote embryo development and viability in animal studies. By providing optimal oxygen levels and metabolic support to developing embryos, HBOT may improve embryo quality and increase the likelihood of successful implantation and pregnancy following IVF procedures.

  6. Supporting Reproductive Hormone Balance: HBOT may influence the secretion and activity of reproductive hormones involved in the menstrual cycle and fertility. By modulating hormone levels and signaling pathways, HBOT may help regulate ovulation, follicle development, and other aspects of reproductive function critical for conception and pregnancy.


In addition to supporting female fertility and IVF outcomes, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may also benefit sperm health in men undergoing fertility treatments. Here's how HBOT may support sperm health:

  1. Enhancing Sperm Quality: HBOT has been suggested to improve sperm quality by increasing oxygenation and blood flow to the testes, where sperm are produced. Adequate oxygenation is essential for sperm production (spermatogenesis) and maturation, and HBOT may provide the necessary oxygen and metabolic support to optimize sperm quality.

  2. Reducing Oxidative Stress: Oxidative stress can damage sperm cells and impair sperm function, leading to reduced fertility. HBOT has antioxidant properties and can help reduce oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals and increasing antioxidant enzyme activity. By mitigating oxidative damage to sperm DNA and cellular structures, HBOT may improve sperm viability and motility.

  3. Supporting Testicular Health: HBOT may promote testicular health by enhancing tissue oxygenation, reducing inflammation, and supporting tissue repair mechanisms. These effects can help maintain the structural integrity and function of the testes, ensuring optimal conditions for spermatogenesis and sperm maturation.

  4. Improving Semen Parameters: Studies have suggested that HBOT may improve semen parameters such as sperm count, motility, and morphology in men with infertility. By optimizing sperm parameters, HBOT may increase the likelihood of successful fertilization and pregnancy in couples undergoing assisted reproductive technologies, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

  5. Enhancing Reproductive Hormone Balance: HBOT may influence the secretion and activity of reproductive hormones involved in spermatogenesis and male fertility. By modulating hormone levels and signaling pathways, HBOT may help regulate testosterone production, sperm production, and other aspects of male reproductive function critical for fertility.


Studies show hyperbaric oxygen improves:

  • Endometrial oxygenation and vascularization

  • Better egg quality

  • Better response to ovarian stimulation

  • Better embryo quality

  • Higher pregnancy rate

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Safe detoxification for preconception health

  • Increased spermatogenesis

  • Better motility

  • Elimination of the reactive oxygen species and avoiding infection due to hyperoxia

  • Less DNA fragmentation


Highlights of study:


Implantation will usually only take place if a good blastocyst exist and if the endometrium has reached a certain stage of receptivity with the adequate oxygenation, vascularization, endometrial grow with development and expression of different gens and molecular factors -causing optimal endometrial receptivity.


Folliculometry in the cycles when hyperbaric oxygen therapy was applied indicated an excellent response of endometrial tissue (thickness of endometrium at the time of ovulation was better and triple line endometrium).


Study shows desirable quality of endometrium was significantly better in the cycle when HBO therapy had been applied but also noticed prolongation of the effects in the next month as well.


The power doppler and 3DPD of the uterine arteries indicated that the uterine blood vessel resistance was slightly higher than expected, but that was expected reaction of the major blood vessels on hyperbaric therapy.


Mapping of subendometrial blood vessels in the cycles covered and followed by hyperbaric oxygen therapy showed the intensive capillary network of endometrium especially after 4-6 weeks after HBO therapy.


The oxygen used under higher pressure, may have an extraordinary significance for better outcome of pregnancy implantation by improving endometrial receptivity. If endometrial receptivity is conditioned by adequate growth, vascularization and oxygenation, then hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the treatment of choice.


Male Factor:


Significant increase in motor activity was registered as well as increased spermatogenesis after two months after therapy. The biggest increased in vigilance of spermatozoids was found in the samples during in vitro preparation with good quality sperm preparation mediums. The obtained results suggest that the acute exposure of the sperm samples to HBO has favorable impact to functional capacity of spermatozoids in view of their better motility. Prolongation and postpone effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy were verified by control spermogram-semen analysis after 70 to 90 days after therapy with the results of the good induction of the spermatogenesis, thanks to hyperbaric oxygen and elimination of the reactive oxygen species and avoiding infection due to hyperoxia. There are also good effects on the DNA integrity with less DNA fragmentation in hyperoxya condition.


Another study on male factor infertility:


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy & IVF


Hyperbaric oxygen and ovarian follicular stimulation for in vitro fertilization: a pilot study:


Angiogenesis and blood flow have been shown to be important in human ovarian follicular development.


Several studies have demonstrated increasing perifollicular blood flow during follicular development for IVF cycles. Interestingly, oocytes retrieved from follicles that have ultrasound evidence of good blood flow tend to have improved embryonic development in vitro. Recent studies have also demonstrated the importance of oxygen in oocyte meiosis. In humans, reduced oxygen content in ovarian follicular fluid has been associated with an increased occurrence of abnormalities in the organization of chromosomes on the metaphase spindle. This could lead to segregation disorders and mosaicisms in the early embryo. Thus, sufficient oxygen supply appears to be necessary to allow for normal egg maturation and alignment of chromosomes during meiosis. We hypothesize that part of the reduced oocyte recruitment, reduced pregnancy rates with IVF, and increased chromosomal abnormalities found in oocytes of women as they age may be due to impaired follicular angiogenesis and oxygenation. Furthermore we hypothesize that this can be reversed by hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) during follicular stimulation for IVF.


To begin to test this hypothesis, we conducted this pilot study to determine the safety, tolerability, and effects of HBO when used during ovarian stimulation for IVF. Study approval was obtained from the University of Iowa Human Subjects Committee. We chose to study patients with a relatively poor prognosis for pregnancy through IVF. We included infertile women aged 40 years or older and women aged 35–39 years who had at least one previous IVF cycle canceled because of a poor stimulation. Women were excluded for medical contraindications to HBO therapy. All patients entering the study had the same microdoseflare protocol for ovulation induction after 1 month of birth control pills to help time the cycle. On the 3rd day after stopping birth control pills, leuprolide acetate injections (40 g twice per day) were started and continued until hCG was administered. After 2 days of leuprolide alone, injections of recombinant FSH were begun at a dose of 5 ampules (total of 375 IU/d) for 3 days. After 3 days of FSH alone, a split protocol of gonadotropin injections consisting of FSH and hMG was begun. Follicular development was monitored by ultrasound measurements and by serum estradiol levels. Cycles were canceled for a serum E2 of 75 pg/mL on stimulation day 6, or for two or fewer maturing follicles sized 12 mm in mean diameter on stimulation day 8. Human chorionic gonadotropin was administered when there were at least two follicles sized 18 mm in mean diameter and the serum E2 was 500 pg/ mL. Up to four cleavage-stage embryos or two blastocyst embryos were transferred after 3 or 5 days in culture, respectively. Pregnancy tests were obtained 2 weeks after oocyte retrieval, and pregnancies were confirmed by ultrasound. For purposes of comparison, cycle outcomes from women who were eligible for this study but declined HBO therapy were recorded (concurrent controls). We also recorded outcomes from historical controls, who were women meeting study entrance criteria in our program in the 6 years before the start of this study. Protocols and pregnancy rates for poor responders have been stable over the past 6 years in our program. These women had either a microdose-flare stimulation protocol or a standard luteal phase leuprolide down-regulated cycle with gonadotropin injections starting on cycle day 3, depending on the physician’s preference.

to read more on the study click here


Boosting Fertility with Advanced Low-Level Light Therapy at OxygenWell in Tarzana, CA: Enhancing Egg and Sperm Quality


At OxygenWell Hyperbaric Oxygen Center in Tarzana, CA, we specialize in harnessing the power of Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) to support reproductive health and enhance fertility. Our state-of-the-art treatments are designed to improve both egg and sperm quality, leveraging the natural energy-producing capabilities of mitochondria within cells.

Mitochondria play a crucial role in generating ATP, the primary energy molecule, essential for the development and function of oocytes, or egg cells. These cellular powerhouses ensure that oocytes have the energy required for growth, successful maturation, and fertilization, laying the foundation for a healthy embryo and pregnancy. Quality oocytes are more likely to develop normally, while those with compromised quality may struggle to form healthy embryos.

Research has highlighted the importance of mitochondrial health in oocytes as a critical factor in determining egg quality. Oocytes affected by dysfunctional mitochondria or reduced mitochondrial function often exhibit poor quality and decreased fertility prospects. Thus, promoting mitochondrial health and function in oocytes is key to achieving optimal egg quality and enhancing fertility potential.

At OxygenWell, our LLLT treatments utilize low-intensity red or near-infrared light to activate cellular repair and regeneration processes. This innovative approach has been shown to effectively boost mitochondrial function, significantly improving the quality of both eggs and sperm.

For oocytes, our LLLT therapy enhances ATP production through improved cellular respiration, facilitated by increased oxygen delivery to cells. This process not only supports the energy demands of developing oocytes but also extends to sperm cells, enhancing mitochondrial function crucial for sperm motility and overall health. Enhanced mitochondrial activity in sperm cells contributes to increased energy availability, leading to improved motility, vitality, and fertilization capability.

Furthermore, OxygenWell's LLLT treatments offer anti-inflammatory benefits and reduce oxidative stress, essential for protecting mitochondria in both egg and sperm cells. By minimizing inflammation and oxidative damage, our therapy preserves the health and functionality of mitochondria, improving reproductive outcomes.

Choosing OxygenWell in Tarzana, CA, for Low-Level Light Therapy means opting for a non-invasive, safe approach to fertility enhancement. Our treatments are free from adverse effects, making them an excellent option for individuals and couples looking to improve their chances of conception. Discover how our advanced LLLT treatments can support your journey towards achieving optimal reproductive health and fertility.


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